Welcome To Orca Cove

In keeping with a "Free Willy" spirit that everyone usually associates with the orca whale, I intend for this blog to be a "no-holds-barred," honest and open forum. Where I hope to post on any and everything from my long battle with severe chronic pain, my newest and favourite crafting hobby, Rainbow Loom (and maybe even some of my old hobbies too, like knitting, cross stitch, rug hooking etc.). I hope to also share some general and/or interesting life hacks, favourite video/YouTube links, parenting tips (which will most likely be me asking for help than the other way around), and any and everything in between.

Look for my (hopefully) weekly QOT…W and FLASHBACK FRIDAY posts, notices about tutorials posted to my YouTube channel, and the occasional comment on an interesting Pinterest/Instagram post. Thanks so much for stopping by!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

QOT...W ~ June 3, 2015 ~ DAYTIME MOON??

First of all, I'd like to say a very happy birthday to my mom, (Harriet McCready), the first person to love me to the moon and back!! That said, does it freak anyone else out, or is it just me, when the moon is VERY visible during the daytime?? 

I almost feel like the world is off-kilter somehow whenever I see a moon in the daytime. And it is especially weird since it is so big, having been full only a few days ago (Sunday).

This picture was taken this morning, Wednesday, May 6, 2015, around 6:15am, EST. (I know, it's been almost a month since I took this photo,mand there have been LOTS of Wednesday's that I could/should have posted it, but better late than never, right)??

Even though I know there is a scientific explanation for this ~ probably something about the moon reflecting back to earth the rays of the sun ~ it just always seems weird!

I guess I grew up thinking that the moon went to bed when the sun woke up and the sun went to bed when the moon woke up.

Also, the moon is completely out of position!! Just a couple of days ago, around 3:30am, (only a few days later and 3 hours before this pic was taken), the moon was over much, much further to the right ~ it was much closer to the horizon, just skimming the top of the trees. And here in this picture, it is way up high in the sky and visually several football fields away from where it was. The direction it normally travels is left to right, so it was almost like it backtracked or something, or hadn't been moving as quickly as it was a few days ago ~ and had I taken a photo then, from the same position and the same angle, it would not have appeared in this photo!!

Strange things are happening!!! And for today's QOT...W ~ Have you ever seen the moon in the daytime? What are your thoughts? Do you know the scientific explanation behind this phenomenon?? 

#QOTW, #QOTD, #questions, #askme, #tellme, #orcanut #read, #books, #ShiverMaggieStiefvater, #SupportLocalLibrary, #daytimemoon #moon #morningmoon #strange #weird #endoftheworld #apocolypse #sky #outdoors #photos #nature

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